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The 8 Bit Soul Podcast: Episode 057 | 8 Bit Soul

The 8 Bit Soul Podcast: Episode 057

The 8 Bit Soul Podcast: Episode 057

Whoops, sorry about the delay we recorded this episode on June 23rd, and will be back on a regular schedule soon. We cover our opinions on Project Scorpio, console life cycles, and if Armando enjoyed anything about E3 this year. We have a short Destiny discussion about the Rise of Iron expansion coming this Sept. Check out our spoiler free opinions on Uncharted 4. We played a bit of Halo Wars 2 Beta. Enter the Gungeon is amazing and you need to play it. We are pretty behind on comics, but talk about DC’s summer event, Rebirth. Armando finally finished DareDevil, season 2. We are both surprised as to how good the Netflix Voltron show is. A quick highlight of the upcoming show Neil Gaiman’s American Gods and by association Phonogram. Lastly, D ends the episode with suggesting an audiobook, Paddle Your Own Canoe by Nick Offerman. Featuring your two favorite guys, Armando Testani and D Marchione.
