by eightbit | Jul 12, 2016 | podcasts
Whoops, sorry about the delay we recorded this episode on June 23rd, and will be back on a regular schedule soon. We cover our opinions on Project Scorpio, console life cycles, and if Armando enjoyed anything about E3 this year. We have a short Destiny discussion...
by eightbit | Jun 15, 2016 | podcasts
The boys are back, after a bit of a hiatus, and they have a lot to talk about… in regards to E3. It’s an all E3 episode where they discuss the Sony, Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, & Bethesda press conferences, games, trailers and more. Below are the titles we...
by eightbit | Mar 30, 2016 | podcasts
The boys are back and they have a lot to talk about. Listen as they chat about Destiny’s Trials of Osiris, the new Destiny Spring Update, some older games and more. Then the boys shift focus to some new comics debuting in the past couple weeks, like...
by eightbit | Mar 16, 2016 | podcasts
Join the boys as they chat about some new games, the Uncharted 4 beta, Destiny’s Trials of Osiris, and lots of Nintendo NX rumors. Then they shift focus to some new comics debuting in the past couple weeks, like Marvel’s Mockingbird and Avengers Standoff....
by eightbit | Feb 29, 2016 | podcasts
Join the boys as they chat about Destiny’s Iron Banner, Super Street Fighter V, Splatoon and more. The comic talk is one sided this week since someone decided not to read anything, oh and they chat a bit about DC’s Rebirth. They also talk about some shows,...
by eightbit | Feb 21, 2016 | podcasts
Join the boys chat about Destiny’s Crimson Doubles, and all the news about Destiny’s changes and plans for the future, as well as D’s foray into a number of new games.The comic talk is light, for the most part as they discuss a new title this week,...
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